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How to support the environmental movement

By Minttu Monika Marjomaa

It’s an odd moment in history when the best thing you can do for the world is stay at home. For those in the environmental movement, it can be extra challenging, as this kind of global crossroads makes campaigning more important than ever.

Still, there are easy things you can do for the movement that require no safety violations nor previous experience in activism.

1. Focus on your own life and community

From buying food for an elderly neighbour to donating to good causes, find out if there’s a way for you to do something good for the environment or your community.

For Miranda Essex, the idea came from reading a BBC article of the thousands of plants who were in danger of going to waste as garden centres closed around the country. She came up with Plant Pack - a service which would allow people to buy rescued houseplants with a portion of the profits going to fund the NHS.

“I posted an idea on Linkedin and it snowballed from there,” says Essex, 28. “It’s exciting - so many people are desperate for plants so this is a way of doing something beneficial on many levels: sustainability, fundraising and keeping garden centres afloat.”

Tina Chen, founder of the plant-based tea company Humanitea, has always been a believer in corporate social responsibility. She’d been raising to expand her business for a couple of months, but now she’s decided to donate 10% of the funds raised to help the NHS.

“I read about the strain the virus had on our health service and how they didn’t have enough protective equipment, so I directed my funding to the NHS,” said Chen, 29. “I wish more people who have the resources to help, would do that.”

2. Educate yourself

If you have extra time on your hands, now is a good chance to learn about environmental issues that have always seemed elusive to you - be it carbon trading or ocean acidification.

One of the benefits of a global lockdown is that lots of eco-organisers and thinkers are participating in virtual seminars which you can watch live and for free. A good place to start is Jane Fonda’s Fire Drill Fridays, which feature different politicians and researchers every week, plus you’ll get to digitally hang out with the iconic movie star-turned-activist!

3. Don’t shop because you’re bored

Has spending time at home given you a sudden urge to decorate? Do a massive spring clean? Revamp your closet?

Before you click on that “Buy now” button, please consider the warehouse and delivery workers who are risking their lives to allow the rest of us to shelter in place. If you want to support businesses, why not buy gift cards for your local cafe - they need your money more than Amazon or Ikea.

Make your own face covering with this simple tutorial!


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